21st June 2013 (Friday) optional
On Friday there will be an optional technical tour
to visit a large scale internal erosion test facility,
organized by Prof. Dietmar Adam,
Institute of Geotechnics,
Vienna University of Technology.

Site Visit “Large Scale Testing Plant – Effects of Seepage beneath Dams”
In the scope of the site visit the large scale testing plant of the Institute of Geotechnics, Vienna University of Technology, located in a quarry north-east of Vienna will be presented, where large scale model tests on a dam section including the subgrade are currently performed. The experimental tests serve to investigate the time-dependent behavior of groundwater flow and to quantify the outflow from relief elements by underseepage of dams during hydraulic loading. The relief stone columns are installed on the landward dyke toe to reduce the risk against hydraulic failure during simulated flood stages. At the same time they increase the safety factor for the stability of the dam.

Testing plant of the Institute for Geotechnics, Vienna University of Technology,
for large scale model tests on dams including subgrade.

Aquifer “sandy gravel” after installation (left); large scale dam model (middle);
preliminary tests (right).

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